Monday, October 27, 2008

Climbing and backpacking all in the same day... I must be dreaming!

This weekend was splendid! Mike and I drove up to Franconia Notch Friday night and spent the night in the truck so that we could wake up early to begin our climb on Cannon. Sure enough we were the first ones in the parking lot Saturday morning. We climbed Wiesner's Dike and about halfway up the climb it became extremely windy and cloudy, by the time we reached the top of what once was Old Man's head we were experiencing 50mph winds! It was freakin' awesome!! We met Mark (who hiked up) at the top and headed down together. We were soon on our way to Davis Path which we hiked up to Resolution Shelter where we spent the night. Sunday we hiked through the very wet trails which lead to the summit of Mt. Crawford. At first the summit was very cloudy and we couldn't see a thing but after spending a few minutes there the clouds started to clear and behind them were some pretty sweet views! The picture above was taken at the summit of Mt. Crawford and you can find more pictures by clicking here!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Camel's Hump, VT

So, as most of you know Mike and I returned to MA Thursday, the 9th.
We drove from a little west of Cleveland to western MA and
accidentally took a detour through PA... It was about a 13+ hour
drive. Ooopppsss! Ha ha ha! Nevertheless, we stayed at Jim's and
returned home on Friday. So, I'm now back into the grind but totally
missing the road!! If you'd like to see 373 photos from our trip please click here! Now that you're all caught up to speed, the image
above is from the summit of Camel's Hump in VT. Yesterday my mom, Mike
(my brother) and I hiked VT's third highest peak, at 4,080 ft. It was
a really nice hike it was just too bad that we had to share it with a
million other people. Ha! Anyways, we had a great time and I highly
suggest this hike to anyone, you just might be better off on a week
day or in the winter! :-) Click here for pictures!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Greetings from the windy city!

We're now leaving Chicago after spending most of the day there. We
visited Millenium Park, took the elevator to the top of the Sears
Tower and enjoyed a tasty deep-dish pizza at a local restaurant.
Sunday we visited the Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North
Dakoda. Monday, we saw the largest buffalo in the world (sculpture),
you're jealous... I know. Tuesday, we visited Minneapolis, we walked
around the city for a bit and had lunch at Key's (best turkey & wild
rice soup EVERRR!!)... and thennnn... we went to the MALLLL OF
AMERICAAAA!! Holy cow that is one HUGE mall!! Oh! And, of course, we
went for a ride on one of the roller coasters and the swings IN the
mall!! Wooohooo! Which brings us to today. Above is a picture of part
of the Chicago skyline from the Skydeck atop Sears Tower.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Glacier (pronounced glas•e•aire)

Friday we drove from West Glacier to Logan Pass in Glacier National
Park. Unfortunately, the road was closed to thru traffic due to some
construction so we were unable to see the East side of the park. We
were, however, able to hike the Hidden Lake trail at Logan Pass and
see some Big Horn Ram and a Grizzly!! That was the first time I've
seen any bear in the wild, it was awesome!! Fortunately for us the
bear was far, far away... man, he was one big dude though! Glacier was
amazing! We're now in eastern Montana, where livestock outnumbers
people 5:1, experiencing some overcast as we head back East. The
picture above was taken from the Hidden Lake trail at Logan Pass,
looking towards Going-to-the Sun Mtn.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Direct to you from the WiFi Bonnie & Clyde

We're currently parked outside a Hampton Inn in Montana stealing some WiFi because I've been seriously slacking with the whole taking pictures with my phone thing (so the picture you see above is from my digital camera, so sorry if it's a bit large or small... or anything)... Anywho, we camped in the Clearwater National Forest in Idaho last night. This morning we woke up a bit earlier than usual to hike up to some natural hot springs off of Rt. 12 in the Selway-Bitteroot Wilderness Area, also in Idaho. The water temperature was a mere 106° F... it was niiiiiiiice! I digress, Friday we made it up to Seattle around 7pm and stayed the night with Paresh and Sibyl and then on Saturday, Mike, Paresh and I headed over the pass to Leavenworth to do some climbing/camping (in the Westfalia!!). We got a couple of climbs in on Saturday and went into town for a nice Mexican dinner... Sunday morning we were up bright and early to start our 6 pitch climb, Outer Space, in Leavenworth... well, I wasn't so bright that morning because that Mexican food I had the night before didn't quite agree with me... so Mike and Paresh did the climbed and I hiked in a bit later to snap some shots of them. It was a beautiful day for a climb or a hike, in my case. After having a grand 'ol time in Leavenworth we were on the road, back to Seattle. Monday we visited the Museum of Flight, Mike was in his glory! I had been there once before but it was fun to visit there again! Afterwards we had some Thai food on Fremont Street, it was delicious! Tuesday we walked around Pike's Place and dragged our feet because neither of us wanted to leave. A BIG THANK YOU to Paresh and Sibyl for putting us up for 4 nights!! You guys are AWESOME! We had a great time and THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!! :-) Above is a picture of Paresh and Mike climbing in Leavenworth.